Meet-the-Faculty Seminar
Ming Chuan University 2023-24 Academic Year 2nd Semester
Taoyuan Campus Meet-the-Faculty Seminar
Time Period | Participants | Date | Venue |
1 | 3rd and 4th year students | Mar. 05, 2024(Tue) 12:00-12:50 | M104 |
2 | 1st and 2nd year students | Mar. 26, 2024(Tue) 12:00-12:50 | M104 |
3 | International Students | Apr. 23, 2024(Tue) 12:00-12:50 | M104 |
4 | Overseas and Mainland Chinese students |
May. 07, 2024(Tue) 12:00-12:50 | M104 |
Representatives of each class, please attend the meeting on time. To calculate the number of meals, please hand in your registration information to Student Affairs Section. Thank you for your cooperation.
Taoyuan Student Affairs Section
Mr. Hsueh, Chung-Kai (ext. 3271)